Tuesday, June 13, 2023

  Reconcile the duo: Pakistan is at stake!

  Voice of passionate Pakistanis

 Niklo Pakistan kee khaathir 
 Niklo Pak Afwaaj kee khaathir
 Niklo Jurath Mand Khan kee khaathir
 Ik khudmukhthaar jamhoor kee khaathir
 Ik muthahid Qoam kee khaathir 

 Ik naee orhaan kee khaathir 

 Niklo Pakistan kee khaathir 

        We are yet to become a nation in true spirit of the word. Ethnic and religious fractures exist and are often exploited. Geographical location and time in history has made us Berlin or Beirut of South Asia. The fragility of our economy has put us on the verge of bankruptcy. Two factors have kept united this ‘Land of the Pak’: Kalima and Pak Army (the institution not personality). 

          The relevant has to realize that the ‘jamhoor’ of the day is much more conscious of its rights; more patriotic and much more perturbed to break the shackles of modern colonization and the spirit of it.

          The politicians of the 80s and 90s frustrated the masses to the limit of alienation. The arrival of the Captain on the political arena assembled ‘the like-minded’ around him: to some extent because of his personality but the major contributor was the hate of ‘the old-guards’. One called this phenomenon as ‘Imranizm’. 

            The ouster of the Captain was backed by the establishment: an assumption (evident historically). No call was given; no leader was leading. Still ‘jamhoor’ came out in great numbers on streets to demonstrate their resentment. 

            The person specific laws to give clean chit to the plunderers and a ‘license-to-loot’ by the august House of the Parliament was the starting point of transformation of resentment into anger. An attempt to kill Imran was not taken by the like-minded as an attack on a person but was considered as an act of waging a war against the phenomenon of Imranizm

          A very clear article of the constitution (election in 90 days of the dissolution of an Assembly) was blatantly ignored. Higher Judiciary was ridiculed, not somewhere else but in the Parliament! The Parliament, the custodian of the constitution, mercilessly breached the constitution on so many occasions. One feel one is living in a country without constitution and law! Anger of the like-minded was changing to rage but Pak Army zindabaad , still. 

            The old-guards conspired to pitch the ‘jamhoor’ against the Army(they wished it historically ): one despise even to think of such a scenario materializing. That, unfortunately, has happened.

            One fear a very bleak scenario: the transformation of anger into hate for Pak Army! The dream of our enemies. Peaceful demonstration anywhere and anytime is our democratic right: destroying our national assets; going against our army is no way acceptable. Cut those hands who have destroyed our assets; break those legs who have trespassed for plunder and destruction,


 Oh Pak Army! Reconcile yourself to the ‘jamhoor’ who desperately wants Imranizm.                          Oh Captain! Reconcile yourself to Pak Army(strong army is our national dream and necessity), in this way you will be treading on the path of Imranizm.

 I am Tahir Zaman

 I am Imran


The Phoenix(PTI) will rise

 Niklo Pakistan kee khaathir 
 Niklo Pak Afwaaj kee khaathir 
 Niklo Jurath Mand Khan kee khaathir
 Ik khudmukhthaar jamhoor kee khaathir
 Ik muthahid Qoam kee khaathir 

 Ik naee orhaan kee khaathir
 Niklo Pakistan kee khaathir 

            We are yet to become a nation in true spirit of the word. Ethnic and religious fractures exist and are often exploited. Geographical location and time in history has made us Berlin or Beirut of South Asia. The fragility of our economy has put us on the verge of bankruptcy. Two factors have kept united this ‘Land of the Pak’: Kalima and Pak Army (the institution not personality). 

           The relevant has to realize that the ‘jamhoor’ of the day is much more conscious of its rights; more patriotic and much more perturbed to break the shackles of modern colonization and the spirit of it.

         The politicians of the 80s and 90s frustrated the masses to the limit of alienation. The arrival of the Captain on the political arena assembled ‘the like-minded’ around him: to some extent because of his personality but the major contributor was the hate of ‘the old-guards’. One called this phenomenon as ‘Imranizm’. 

            The ouster of the Captain was backed by the establishment: an assumption (evident historically). No call was given; no leader was leading. Still ‘jamhoor’ came out in great numbers on streets to demonstrate their resentment. 

              The person specific laws to give clean chit to the plunderers and a ‘license-to-loot’ by the august House of the Parliament was the starting point of transformation of resentment into anger. An attempt to kill Imran was not taken by the like-minded as an attack on a person but was considered as an act of waging a war against the phenomenon of Imranizm.

             A very clear article of the constitution (election in 90 days of the dissolution of an Assembly) was blatantly ignored. Higher Judiciary was ridiculed, not somewhere else but in the Parliament! The Parliament, the custodian of the constitution, mercilessly breached the constitution on so many occasions. One feel one is living in a country without constitution and law! Anger of the like-minded was changing to rage but Pak Army zindabaad , still.

             The old-guards conspired to pitch the ‘jamhoor’ against the Army(they wished it historically ): one despise even to think of such a scenario materializing. That, unfortunately, has happened. 

           One fear a very bleak scenario: the transformation of anger into hate for Pak Army! The dream of our enemies. Peaceful demonstration anywhere and anytime is our democratic right: destroying our national assets; going against our army is no way acceptable. Cut those hands who have destroyed our assets; break those legs who have trespassed for plunder and destruction,


Oh Pak Army! Reconcile yourself to the ‘jamhoor’ who desperately wants Imranizm
Oh Captain! Reconcile yourself to Pak Army(strong army is our national dream and necessity), in this way you will be treading on the path of Imranizm. 

I am Tahir Zaman

 I am Imran

Monday, June 12, 2023



The Phoenix(PTI) will rise

 So cho Pakistan kee khaathir

 Ik naee orhaan kee khaathir

 Niklo Pakistan kee khaathir


       “The only thing that we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.” (The German philosopher Georg Hegel)


         We, yet again, find ourselves in the midst of crises: political turmoil, near economic meltdown, critical and dangerous disrespect for both the judiciary and the constitution and terror attacks in parts of our country. We are used to such upheavals but this time the situation is worse than ever.

        The role of the army in deciding the political fate of the country has been decisive since its inception: the military establishment has either been the king or the king maker. We, as a nation, have miserably failed to learn the lesson of history. The most worrying is the failure of the elite- both political and military- to learn their lesson: the seesaw of power continues at the whim of the establishment. The result is that we find ourselves far behind in all aspects even from country like Bangladesh.

        The like-minded (safely more than 70% of the Jamhoor) have rallied around the Captain to some extent because of his personality but to a greater extent because of their hate for the old-guards. There seems to be a scuffle (orchestrated and fueled by the forces of status quo) between the military elite and the like-minded. The most worrying and detesting part of the scuffle for one is that the most potent uniting force, the military, may lose its prestige to both the Jamhoor and the enemy. The like-minded have been cornered and crushed for the past few months like an occupied nation. The military leaders and the leadership of the like-minded have to analyze the situation on ground.

        This is an era of Fifth-generation warfare (5GW). It is the war of perceptions and information. It aims to distort the perception of the masses to give a manipulated view of the world and politics. There is a build-up of 5GW on the streets and in the national media (both print and electronic): the planner is invisible(!)

         The military leadership has to be very prudent in using this weapon of ‘distortion’ with respect to the ‘Jamhoor’. The weapon may go counterproductive if misguided or misused. General Sir, field officers with acumen who can feel the pulse of the ‘Jamhoor’. Nobody is buying what is being portrayed in the national media: the ‘Jamhoor’ of the day has come of age.

          It seems that the 5GW guided missile has been misguided and misused. The old-guards cunningly planned to kill two birds-the military leadership and the like-minded- with one stone. They have been trying to distort the perception of the Jamhoor by projecting the scuffle as a personal vendetta of the military leadership, especially of General Asim Munir for reasons.

        Events leading to 9th May had an evil method behind it: instigation, jeer(to pump up emotional youth), torture etc. The civil bureaucracy is in the hands of the PDM and they are using it mercilessly to build up their case and to wage 5GW against the Jamhoor and the military. The brutal handling of the ‘Azadi March I; the assassination attempt on Imran during Azadi Mach II.

          Higher Judiciary is being ridiculed, not somewhere else but in the Parliament! The Parliament, the custodian of the constitution, mercilessly breached the constitution on so many occasions. Superior Judiciary decisions were refused to be implemented. Constitutionally, all institutions have to come in aid of the Superior Judiciary but surprisingly none of them came.

              More than a century of FIRs were lodged against the Captain in a very peculiar way. The climax of the evil conspiracy hatched was that the Captain was arrested and crowds were lured towards unguarded military installations. No judicial or independent inquiry was conducted.

         The leadership of PTI is jailed and are only given bail when they are ready to hold a press conference to say bye-bye to PTI. A king’s party, rather, king’s parties are under ‘construction’: the spiritless faces of those joining the king’s parties say it all!

         The Punjab Police is acting like foreign occupying forces of the 19th century. Their atrocities against the workers and leadership of PTI resembled the fascism of the Nazi Germany.

      The streets talk of a conspiracy. PDM would craftily hint that what has and still happening is beyond their power and that someone else is the planner and executor.  The leadership of the PDM are successful in pitching the ‘Jamhoor’ against the military: 5GW won for the time being!

       Chief, you and the other top brass are the most highly decorated, extensively and expensively trained officers of the country and vendetta, especially, against your own people is least expected  of you. Hazrat Ali(ra), was about to cut off the head of his victim, the desperate man spat on his face. Ali(ra) spared his life and released him, saying that if he had killed the man then, his motive will not remain purely for the cause of Allah but due to personal anger. One is sure that vendetta  in non-existent in the dictionary of the military leadership: please give a shut up call to the PDM. The alternative given in the shape of PDM is tested and proven rotten, corrupt, selfish and incapable: the ‘Jamhoor’  will never accept them.

            Captain, we, the like-minded, believe in you: you are a true leader and a fighter. We also believe in ourselves and are confident that soon the phoenix will rise from the ashes of the aromatic branches and spices to complete the agenda that we dreamt of. Three sentences for you. Learn from your mistake. Be prudent in selection of your companion. Consider the masses as your sons and daughters. Three words to ponder on: sacrifice, reconciliation and ‘thadreej’( the gradual way; the Islamic way)

             Some among us may have strayed but we believe in peace, not in war; we stand for construction rather than destruction. Treat us as patriotic and respectable citizen with human rights. Do not behave like an occupying force of the 19th century.


 Ik naee orhaan kee khaathir


I am Tahir Zaman

I am Imran