Monday, September 28, 2009

Is a new 9/11 in the offing?

             “Terrorist may attack Obama during his sworn in ceremony”, said President Bush .One has grown so cynical these days that even such statement make one think: is a new 9/11 is in the offing!
            The US establishment (aided by eccentric think tanks) don’t do it; they lure the targeted society or a member of it into a trap and make the target do it. Their aim : establish an alibi to further their economic agenda in that society or region.
            The Cold War: the ideological clash of capitalism and communism between the Russian Empire , the British Empire and the United States came into being as a result of their struggle for economic

dominace over the World.
              The struggle subsided after the defeat of the USSR in Afghanistan. To deteat the USSR the west created a gini in the Islamic World : the Islamists. That gini grew out of proportion especially in Aghanistan . To put the gini back into the bottle they propagated the theory of the Clash of Civilization and the slogun of fundametalism.The theory was proposed by political scientist Samuel P. Huntington and suggests that people's cultural and religious identities will be the primary source of conflict in the post-Cold War world.
              Its target was Islam and the aim was to control the economic(oil,gas and human resources) life of the Muslim world.

               The lured personalities were Sadaam of Iraq and Osama of Al-Qaeeda. Sadaam was give the vision of Greater Arabia and Osama was given Al-Qaeeda. The former led the economic war mongers into the Middle east after its invasion of Kawaith and the later gave them a pritext in the shap of 9/11 to enter Afghanistan. Much Before 9/11 there was hue and cry against the Islamic fundamentalism and the Western medias’ favourite topic was fundamentalism and clash of civilization. Ironically , the overwhelming majority of the human race was not even aware of the definition of fundamentalism and clash of civilization.
                Rumours have it that the 9/11 was created by the US Jews and agencies: Jews not coming to the twin towers on the day; the surveillance personnel of pentagon were Jews and the system didn’t work on the day; the towers did not collapse due to the impact of the planes : bombs were planted on the pillars of the building as is done for the controlled demolition of buildings in the US.
                The white American were racist and they have not changed much : Former US President ,Mr. Lincoln had this to say: "Free them all, and keep them among us as underlings. Is it quite certain this betters their condition? I think I would not hold one of them in slavery, at any rate; free them, and make them politically and socially our equal. My own feelings will not admit to this; and if mine would, we well know that the great mass of white people will not, ... we cannot, then, make them equals" (Abraham Lincoln His Book, by J. McCAN DAVIS 1909). Inequality between Blacks and whites still persistsl. Then why obama was elected!
                 Obama was harsh in his presidential speeches against the Muslims and Islam .His tone against Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq(the war zone) was suggestive of hostility towards them.

                      In such an environment(especially in the light of President Bush’s statement) one tend to think cynically that the US establishment would like to kill two birds with one stone: kill the first black president and squash the wishes of equality of the blacks for good and to ensue yet another 9/11 on the pretext of the President’s murder. God help the Muslims!

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