Monday, October 5, 2009

Tulips : White, Green, Yellow, Peach, Orange,Black, Red, Deep Red, Pink, Magenta, Purple, Lavender, and Bicolor

Elegance and grace on display

 If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom. ~Audra Foveo

White Tulips
Colour is a meaningful constant for sighted people and it is a powerful psychological tool. By using colour psychology, one can send a positive or negative message, encourage sales, calm a crowd, or make an athlete pump iron hard

White symbolizes clarity, cleanliness, neutrality, purity and honesty. The symbolic meaning of white is reverence and innocence. White is associated with creativity and is a compression of all the colours in the colour spectrum. There is nothing as relaxing as white tulips

In some eastern parts of the world, white is associated with mourning.

Yellow Tulips

It symbolizes Hope and Happiness

Yellow: the colour of the sun, associated with laughter, happiness and good times. Yellow shines with optimism, enlightenment, and happiness . It is a warm colour that has conflicting symbolism .On the one hand it denotes happiness and joy but on the other hand yellow is the colour of cowardice and deceit

A person surrounded by yellow feels optimistic because the brain actually releases more seratonin (it is a chemical that helps maintain a "happy feeling," and seems to help keep our moods under control by helping with sleep, calming anxiety, and relieving depression) when around this colour. It is the colour associated with optimism but be careful with yellow, when intense, it is the colour of flames and studies show babies cry more in (bright) yellow rooms and tempers flare more around that colour . It has the power to speed up our metabolism and bring out some creative thoughts. Yellow :if used wisely can be an effective tool for marketing . Some shades of yellow are associated with cowardice; but the more golden shades with the promise of better times.


Green Tulips

Green is life: abundant in nature and signifies growth, renewal, health, and environment. A calming colour that is why green colour is used in hospitals. It is also the colour associated with envy, good luck, generosity and fertility. It is the traditional colour of peace, harmony, comfortable nurturing, support and well paced energy. Time moves faster in a green room.

Green is the national colour of Pakistan and Ireland and is strongly associated with these countries. Green has close association with Islam. The colour is reminiscent of Spring.

Green occupies more space in the spectrum visible to the human eye and is second only to blue as a favourite colour. Green is the pervasive colour in the natural world that is an ideal backdrop in interior design because we are so used to seeing it everywhere

Peach Tulips
Friendship is the true meaning of peach colour . Peach confirms gratitude and tender feeling.

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