Thursday, June 27, 2013


                          Rose speaks of love silently- whispers sometimes in     
                           ear-in a language only known to heart    

               Roses:"I'd rather have them on my table than diamonds on my neck"    

                                     Rose: beautiful, delicate, fragrant, pure,
                                                pretty, soft, 





                                                            yet thorny!

Which is the loveliest in a rose? Its coy beauty when it is budding or its splendor when it blooms?

Blue bud 
                                Blue boom
Yellow bud 
                           Yellow bloom       
 Red bud
                         Red bloom

 White bud
                            White bloom

 Black bud(?)
                                  Black boom(?)
Maroom bud 

            Maroon bloom

Rose and beauty

         “Every one knows that beauty is what pleases” 

                     Rose depicted above: what is beauty? Handsome, lovely, pretty, fine, fair, nice: such are the synonyms of the word beauty. 

  • Beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object  or idea that provides a perceptual experience of   pleasure or satisfaction   
  • Beauty is pleasure associated with the quality of  thing.
  • Beauty is a value. 
  • Beauty is an emotion or an affection of our  appreciative nature. 
  • Beauty is subjective:  “beauty is  in the eye of the beholder”
  • Beauty is an objective feature of things.
  •  Everything that pleases the senses or mind aesthetically is beauty. 

                  I have come to the conclusion that  beauty is what pleases: rose pleases me!

                                                             Beautiful is what you see below

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