Saturday, July 13, 2013

Rose: history and classification

" Oh no man knows 
through what wild centuries
roves back the Rose..."

Rose:  the most popular and widely cultivated groups of flowering plants. Roses were grown in all early civilization from at least 5000 years ago. They are known to have been grown in ancient Babylon :  Paintings of roses have been discovered in Egyptian pyramid tombs from the 14th century BC .Records exist of them being grown in Chinese gardens and Greek gardens from at least 500 BC. 

                  Most of the plants grown in the early gardens were species collected from the wild. However there were large numbers of selected varieties being grown from early times; for instance numerous  cultivars of the China rose were in cultivation in China in the first millennium AD.

                  The significant breeding of modern times started slowly in Europe from about the 17th century. The development of the modern Hybrid Tea rose actually began in the 1870's: the earlier ones retained much of the bloom quality, and the pronounced fragrance, of their forebears.

                    However, as the 20th century wore on, the hybridization of roses - like so many aspects of life - became industrialized. Factory-produced flowers became a fact of life. The rose, which had always served as an expression of the values and desires of its culture, gradually came to manifest those of modern times.

                                       There is no single system of classification for roses, however, roses are placed in one of three main groups: Wild, Old Garden, and Modern Garden roses. The latter two groups are usually subdivided further according to hybrid lineage. Growth habit and floral form are also used as means of classification.

 A) Wild Roses.

              The wild roses include the natural species and some of their immediate hybrid. The wild roses commonly grown in gardens include , the Musk Rose: Rosa moschata,  Lady Banks' Rose: Rosa banksiae, the Scots or Burnet Rose: Rosa pimpinellifolia, the Sweetbriar or Eglantine: Rosa rubiginosa,;and   Austrian Copper, Persian Double and Harison's Yellow: Rosa foetida. Wild roses are low-maintenance shrubs in comparison to other garden roses. They generally have only one flush of blooms per year, although some species have large hips in the autumn .

                                                 The Musk Rose: Rosa moschata

Lady Banks' Rose: Rosa banksiae

The Scots or Burnet Rose: Rosa pimpinellifolia

The Sweetbriar or Eglantine: Rosa rubiginosa

Austrian Copper, Persian Double and Harison's Yellow: Rosa foetida

B)  Old Garden Roses

                                           An Old Garden Rose is a class which existed before the introduction of the first Modern Rose in 1867. Alternative terms for this group include heritage and historic roses.
                                         Once-blooming woody shrubs; with notably fragrant; double-flowered blooms: primarily in shades of white, pink and red. The shrubs' foliage tends to be highly disease-resistant, and they generally bloom only from canes (stems) which formed in previous years. Most Old Garden Roses are classified into the following groups.

1) Gallica Roses.

                                  The Gallica rose: famous in English history as the Red Rose of Lanchaster. Gallicas flower once in the summer over low shrubs rarely over 4 feet  tall. Unlike most other once-blooming Old Garden Roses, the gallica class includes shades of red, maroon and deep purplish crimson. Examples are 'Cardinal de Richelieu', 'Charles de Mills', 'Rosa Mundi'

2) Alba Roses

                                             Literally "white roses", derived from  Rose arvensis and the closely allied  Rose x alba. The latter species is a hybrid of Rose Gallica  and Rose Canina. This group contains some of the oldest garden roses. The shrubs flower once yearly in the spring or early summer with scented blossoms of white or pale pink. They frequently have gray-green foliage and a vigorous or climbing habit of growth. Examples are 'Alba Semiplena’: White Rose of York

3)   Damask Roses
                                                    Named after Damascus : Rosa damascene originated in ancient times with a natural cross (Rosa moschata x Rosa gallica x Rosa fedtschenkoana.  Robert de Brie is given credit for bringing Damask Rose from the Middle East  to Europe sometime between 1254 and 1276. Summer damasks bloom once in summer. Autumn or Four Seasons damasks bloom again later, albeit less exuberantly, and these were the first remontant (Repeat blooming). Damask roses tend to have strongly scented blooms. Examples: 'Ispahan', 'Madame Hardy'

4)   Centifolia or Provence
                                                                  Centifolia roses or  Provence roses are also known as Cabbage roses due to the globular shape of the flowers. They are derived from Rosa centifolia, raised in the 17th century in the  Netherlands. They are named for their "one hundred" petals The result of damask roses crossed with Albas, the Centifolias are all once-flowering. As a class, they are notable for their inclination to produce mutations of various sizes and forms, including moss roses and some of the first miniature roses 

5) Moss Roses

                                                The Moss roses are the mutation of Centifolia. They bear mossy resin-bearing glands on the sepals  that often gives off a pleasant woodsy or balsam scent when rubbed. Moss roses with centifolia background are once-flowering; some moss roses exhibit repeat-blooming, indicative of Autumn Damask parentage

 6) Portland Roses
                                                                    A  DNA analysis has proved that the Portland Rose has an autumn damask/gallica lineage. This group of roses was named after the  Duchess of Portland  who received (from Italy about 1775) a rose then known as R. paestana or 'Scarlet Four Seasons' Rose' (now known simply as 'The Portland Rose'). The whole class of Portland roses was developed from that one rose. The first repeat-flowering class of rose with fancy European-style blossoms, the plants tend to be fairly short and shrubby. The main flowering is in the summer, but intermittent flowers continue into the autumn.

7) China Roses

                                             The China roses have been cultivated in East Asia for centuries. They have been cultivated in Western Europe since the late 18th century. They contribute much to the parentage of today's hybrid roses. The Chinese roses had less fragrant, smaller blooms and more cold-sensitive shrubs. However they could bloom repeatedly throughout the summer and into late autumn, unlike their European counterparts. The flowers of China roses were also notable for their tendency to "suntan," or darken over time unlike other blooms which tended to fade after opening. This made them highly desirable for hybridization purposes in the early 19th century

8) Tea Roses
                                                         The  Tea-scented rose  were Oriental hybrids of Rose Chinensis with Rose gigantea, a large Asian climbing rose with pale-yellow blossoms. On their introduction in the early 19th-century breeders went to work with them, especially in France, crossing them first with China roses and then with Bourbons and Noisettes.
                                             The Tea roses are repeat-flowering roses, named for their fragrance being reminiscent of Chinese black tea (although this is not always the case). The colour range includes pastel shades of white, pink and yellow to apricot. The individual flowers of many cultivars are semi-pendent and nodding, due to weak flower stalks. In a "typical" Tea, pointed buds produce high-centred blooms which unfurl in a spiral fashion, and the petals tend to roll back at the edges, producing a petal with a pointed tip.

9) Bourbon Roses
                                                                    Bourbon roses originated on the  Bourbon (now called  Reunion) off the coast of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. They are believed to be the result of a cross between the Autumn Damask and the 'Old Blush' China rose, both of which were frequently used as hedging materials on the island. They flower repeatedly on vigorous, frequently semi-climbing shrubs with glossy foliage and purple-tinted canes

10) Noisette Roses

                                                                           The first Noisette rose was raised as a hybrid seedling by a South Carolina rice planter named John Champneys. Its parents were the China Rose 'Parson's Pink' and the autumn-flowering musk rose, resulting in a vigorous climbing rose producing huge clusters of small pink flowers from spring to fall. 
                                                                      Champneys sent seedlings of his rose to his gardening friend, Philippe Noisette, who in turn sent plants to his brother Louis in Paris, who then introduced 'Blush Noisette' in 1817. The first Noisettes were small-blossomed, fairly winter-hardy climbers, but later infusions of Tea rose genes created a Tea-Noisette subclass with larger flowers, smaller clusters, and considerably reduced winter hardiness.

11)Hybrid Perpetual
                                                                                 The dominant class of roses in  England, hybrid perpetuals  emerged in 1838 as the first roses which successfully combined Asian remontancy (repeat blooming) with the old European lineages. Since re-bloom is a recessive trait, the first generation of Asian/European crosses  were stubbornly once-blooming, but when these roses were re-crossed with themselves or with Chinas or teas, some of their offspring flowered more than once. 
                                                                            The Hybrid Perpetuals thus were something of a miscellany, a catch-all class derived to a great extent from the Bourbons but with admixtures of Chinas, teas, damasks, gallicas, and to a lesser extent Noisettes, albas and even centifolias. They became the most popular garden and florist roses of northern Europe at the time, as the tender tea roses would not thrive in cold climates, and the Hybrid Perpetuals' very large blooms were well-suited to the new phenomenon of competitive exhibitions. The "perpetual" in the name hints at repeat-flowering, but many varieties of this class had poor re-flowering habits; the tendency was for a massive spring bloom, followed by either scattered summer flowering, a smaller autumn burst, or sometimes nothing at all until next spring. 

12) Hybrid Rugosa 
                                                                         The Rugosas are Old Garden Roses. Derived from Rosa rugosa in  Japan and Korea in the beginning of 1880s. They are extremely hardy with excellent disease resistance. Most are extremely fragrant, repeat bloomers with moderately double flat flowers. The defining characteristic of a Hybrid Rugosa rose is its wrinkly leaves, but some hybrids do lack this trait. 

13) Hybrid Musk 

                                                               The hybrid musk group was mainly developed in the first decades of the 20th century. The genetics of the class are somewhat obscure, as some of the parents are unknown. Rose multiflora, however, is known to be one parent, and Rosa moschata (the musk rose) also figures in its heritage, though it is considered to be less important than the name would suggest. Hybrid musks are disease-resistant, repeat flowering and generally cluster-flowered, with a strong, characteristic "musk" scent. The stems tend to be lax and arching, with limited thorns. Examples include 'Buff Beauty' and 'Penelope'.

14) Bermuda "Mystery" Roses

                                                                                                                      The roses have significant value and interest for those growing roses in tropical and semi-tropical regions, since they are highly resistant to both nematode  damage and the fungal diseases that plague rose culture in hot, humid areas. They are also capable of thriving in hot and humid weather
                                                                                                         They are "mystery roses" because their "proper" historical names have been lost. Tradition dictates that they are named after the owner of the garden where they were rediscovered.

C Modern Garden Roses
                                                                                     Classification of modern roses can be quite confusing because many modern roses have old garden roses in their ancestry and their form varies so much. The following is the most  popular classifications of Modern Garden Roses:

1) Hybrid Tea
                                                The favorite rose for much of the history of modern roses: Hybrid Tea were initially created by hybridizing Hybrid Perpetual with Tea roses in the late 19th century. La France created in 1867, is universally acknowledged as the first indication of a new class of roses.                                                       Hybrid teas exhibit traits midway between both parents: hardier than the teas but less hardy than the hybrid perpetual, and more ever-blooming than the hybrid perpetual but less so than the teas. The flowers are well-formed with large, high-centered buds, and each flowering stem typically terminates in a single shapely bloom. The shrubs tend to be stiffly upright and sparsely foliaged, which today is often seen as a liability because it makes them more difficult to place in the garden or landscape. Hybrid teas became the single most popular garden rose of the 20th century; today, their reputation as high maintenance plants has led to a decline in popularity. The hybrid tea remains the standard rose of the floral industry.

2) Pernetiana
                                            The French breeder Joseph Pernet-Ducher initiated the first class of roses to include genes from the old Austrian briar rose (Rosa foetida ) with his 1900 introduction of 'Soleil d'Or. This resulted in an entirely new colour range for roses: shades of deep yellow, apricot, copper, orange, true scarlet, yellow bi-colors, lavender, gray, and even brown were now possible.
                  The new colour range did much to increase hybrid tea popularity in the 20th century, but these colours came at a price: Rosa foetida also passed on a tendency toward disease-susceptibility, scentless blooms, and an intolerance of pruning to its descendants.

3) Polyantha Roses
                                                                 Polyantha : a  Greek word Literally means "many-flowered" roses, Originally derived from crosses between two East Asian species (Rosa chinensis and Rosa multiflora),  They featured short plants—some compact, others spreading in habit—with tiny blooms  carried in large sprays, in the typical rose colours of white, pink and red.
      Their main claim to fame was their prolific bloom: from spring to fall, a healthy polyantha shrub might be literally covered in flowers, creating a strong colour impact in the landscape. Polyantha roses are still regarded as low-maintenance, disease-resistant garden roses today, and remain popular for that reason.

4) Floribunda Roses
                                                                            Polyanthas  was crossed with hybrid teas, to create roses that bloomed with the polyantha profusion, but with hybrid tea floral beauty and colour range. In 1907, the first polyantha/hybrid tea cross, 'Rödhätte', was introduced by Danish breeder Dines Poulsen. This had some characteristics of both parent classes, and was termed a Hybrid Polyantha or Poulsen rose. 
                     As their hybrid characteristics separated these new roses from polyanthas and hybrid teas alike, a new class was created and named floribunda, Latin for "many-flowering." Typical floribundas feature stiff shrubs, smaller and bushier than the average hybrid tea but less dense and sprawling than the average polyantha. 

   The flowers are often smaller than hybrid teas but are carried in large sprays, giving a better floral effect in the garden. Floribundas are found in all hybrid tea colours and often with the classic hybrid tea-shaped blossom, sometimes differing from hybrid teas only in their cluster-flowering habit

5)  Miniature Roses
                                                                             All  Old Garden Roses had corresponding miniature forms,. As with the standard-sized varieties, miniature Old Garden roses were crossed with repeat-blooming Asian species to produce ever-blooming miniature roses. Today, miniature roses are represented by twiggy, repeat-flowering shrubs ranging from 6" to 36" in height, with most falling in the 12"–24" height range. 

                       Blooms come in all the hybrid tea colours; many varieties also emulate the classic high centred hybrid tea flower shape. Miniature roses are often marketed and sold by the floral industry as houseplants, but it is important to remember that these plants are largely descended from outdoor shrubs native to temperate regions; thus, most miniature rose varieties require an annual period of cold dormancy to survive.Miniature garden roses only grow in the summer.

6) Grandiflora Roses
                                                                           In Latine Grandifloras means "large-flowered" .  Grandifloras  were the class of roses created in the mid-20th century to designate  back-crosses (Backcrossing is a crossing of a hybrid  with one of its parents or an individual genetically similar to its parent, in order to achieve offspring with a genetic identity which is closer to that of the parent. ) between hybrid teas and floribundas that fit neither category—specifically, the 'Queen Elizabeth' rose, which was introduced in 1954. Grandiflora shrubs are typically larger than either hybrid teas or floribundas, and feature hybrid tea-style flowers borne in small clusters of three to five, similar to a floribunda. 

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