Monday, July 8, 2013

Rose: Symbolism of its Colors and Numbers

   Read the words and look at the roses: ponder!

         "The rose is the honor and beauty of flowers 
          The rose is the pleasure of heavenly powers"

White roseit signify purity, reverence, youthfulness, innocence, humility, charm and silence.

The color white has always been synonymous with purity, innocence and virtue. White rose has been a favorite of all cultures. Brides traditionally wear white in some cultures. White roses are often used in bridal ceremonies because of the wholesomeness and virtue these flowers bring to mind
Sometimes called "the flower of light", one of the meanings of white roses is everlasting love - love stronger than death, an eternal love, undying and all sustaining.
             The white rose is the perfect emblem of innocence, loyalty and purity.

Pink rose: it symbolizes youth, early love, Happiness, Elegance, Romance, recovery, appreciation, admiration

       Pink rose brings to mind the faint blush of a fair maiden’s cheeks. Ranging from a subtle hint of color to deep and bright, pink roses have come to mean joy, happiness, gratitude and admiration. They’re often seen in bridal arrangements, thank you or congratulations bouquets.

Red rose: it symbolizes   romantic love, selflessness, sacrifice, courage, passion, respect, appreciations and congratulations.

                        Red roses signify  passion and true love. A single red rose symbolizes “ I love you”. If a single red rose is given to some one : it shows appreciation and passion for that parson.
             Red roses also convey courage and ongratulations

 Red (dark) rose: unconscious beauty:  presented to one who is unaware of one’s beauty

Yellow rose: it is a symbol of friendship, joy, freedom, gladness, friendship, delight, promise of a new beginning, welcome back and jealousy.

       In German culture yellow roses are a symbol of infidelity and dying love, but more traditionally they are a symbol of friendship and happiness. Yellow roses show sunny feelings of joy, warmth, and sometimes welcome. They are symbols of friendship and caring.

Black rose: for death, twisted relationships

Sending black roses to someone indicates the death of the relationship
Though true black roses don’t exist, blooms that are the darkest red can look black. Giving someone black roses would mean the death of a relationship or idea.

Blue rose: it symbolizes fantasy, something unattainable, impossible.

The blue roses that exist are actually variations of purple or lavender, which look blue in certain light. However, you wouldn’t really want to send a blue rose to someone, as it means a figment of the imagination, or something unobtainable. They may sometimes mean, "I can't have you but I can't stop thinking about you".

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