Monday, September 28, 2009

May God save this country

                        A MISS did not know how to dance but she claimed otherwise. When tested, she failed miserably, her excuse being that the ground was uneven. The current leadership has no idea how to dance to the thundering music of inflation, the economic crisis and the breakdown of law and order.
                        The leadership is novice compared with Gen Zia and Gen Musharraf in resisting US pressure. They are crying foul and have unleashed the floodgates of confusion: these judges or those judges, constitutional amendments, the impeachment threat, etc. They are striving to divert the attention of the masses from the real throbbing issues.
                         Leaders are born, not produced. The Pakistani nation has not given genuine leaders to itself with the exception of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto: Benazir had the traces of greatness. Mr Musharraf, a dictator, seems ‘gold’ in comparison with the so-called democratic leaders of the day.
                           One does not support Mr Musharraf clinging to power. He must go, but what has the current leadership, on offer? Confusion and chaos. They are visionless and good governance is beyond their scope.
                        Nobody seems to rule the country; confusion reigns. The PML (N) actively participated in the long march and Mr Zardari offered meals to the marchers: they are partners in the coalition government! The minister for information has no clue as to who asked the UAE authorities to force a Pakistani TV channel to either restrain or pack up!
                        The Lahore High Court decreed that Nawaz Sharif cannot contest the by-election and the prime minister has ordered filing an appeal against the verdict in the Supreme Court! The cabinet declares all the above developments as conspiracies against the government.
                         People on the streets are fearful of the continuation of the crisis. If the leadership does not stand up and remove the dark ugly clouds of uncertainty and confusion, then there is a real danger to Pakistan’s security. May God save this country.

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