Monday, September 28, 2009

Pakistani Whitewater versus Blackwater

     Patriotic Pakistanis are confused and worried about the security and governance of their country as maladministration and confusion seems to be in control.
      The ruling elite of both the past and the present would deny their covert consent for the US drones spraying Hellfire missiles on Pakistani territory: otherwise the act is a blatant violation of its sovereignty.
           The enigma of drone is now overshadowed by the presence of Blackwater( a US based notorious private security organization).
          The Blackwater : the world’s biggest, richest, deadliest and most powerful mercenary army, which operates from the US and seems to be constituted and funded by CIA to avoid the long route of the due process of law and the judicial system of the US in its performance of its dirty work: sabotage, murder, kidnap and so on. One can call it a mobile Guantanamo Bay.
          Blackwater hires retired army-men and hardened criminals from around the world. They act as NGOs and welfare organization in poor countries of Asia and Africa and recruit people for itself .
          The Blackwater name became so notorious for its atrocities in Iraq that the company president Gary Jackson had to changed its name to Xe.
          The Media and the people of Islamabad and Peshawar claim that both the cities are infested by the personnel of Blackwater under its new name Xe.
          A Pakistani, even with a little knowledge of defence and security, would get worried regarding the security of the country: Xe has reportedly placed and established itself at locations which are very sensitive from military and security point of view-Islamabad, Peshawar and Tarbela.
          The government seems to be losing control. It is in this context that a true but a powerless Pakistani would dream of the ‘undoable’( Our PM would term most doable things as undoable!) . One’s aspiration is to constitute an organization by the name of Whitewater that would have a nickname of Bb(Black bashing). The intended aims would be to whiten all the ‘black’ deeds of the people, the state and organizations like the Blackwater. It would act as a sort of legal vigilante that would fight both external and internal threats and challenges.
          Extraneous organization like the Blackwater(elements that are the instruments of modern times colonists) are exerting their influence in the country. They are trying to take control and are challenging the sovereignty of the state. It would be the objective of the Whitewater to make a stand against them.
           The dream is that the Whitewater would fight dangers from within: the dangers posed by individuals and organizations that are involved in lawlessness, corruption, hording , extremism, fundamentalism, terrorism and racism. It would also act as a watchdog on the activities of the sitting government to ensure good governance and the due process of law. Though one is worried for its recruits and funding!

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